The Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group
Marianne Lykke Thomsen, Greenland Department of Foreign Affairs and Arctic Council
The background and function of the Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) is outlined in the context of the Arctic Council. Examples of current and past projects will be highlighted to illustrate the importance of SDWG as the main forum of the Arctic Council for the promotion and understanding of the human dimensions of the Arctic. The unique status of Arctic indigenous peoples’ representation in the Arctic Council and SDWG—as Permanent Participants—will be addressed. The importance of the Arctic Council model of cooperation and partnership between indigenous peoples and states—as a source of inspiration for indigenous peoples in other international forums such as the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous Peoples and the Human Rights Council Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples—is underscored. Finally, the presentation addresses the particular role of the SDWG and the Arctic Council for Greenland.