Carbohydrate and Mineral Exchanges of Children of Chukotka in Ontogeny
Tatyana Godovykh1
1Tyumen Scientific Center RAS, Tyumen, -, Russia, tgog [at] mail [dot] ru
In the ontogeny of children Chukotka (migrants and natives) revealed simultaneous decrease in serum glucose and bioelements involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Hair samples were examined using atomic emission and mass spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS/ICP-AES) from laboratory of Centre for Biotic Medicine (Moscow). A study of serum indicators of carbohydrate metabolism (glucose), [transcription error] (serum) [transcription error] (and) [transcription error], based on the Institute of Natural adaptations Arkhangelsk.
Active use of Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, K, Mg, P, Zn in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism reduces their content in the tissues during growth and development from 8 to 18 years. In the ontogenetic development of children of Chukotka (migrants and natives) showed a reduction in serum glucose, the most pronounced among migrants. Serum P and Ca was more Aboriginal workers. Differences of the coefficients of variation of mineral and carbohydrate metabolism of migrants and natives during development suggest their different mechanisms of adaptation. Self-organization of workers and Aboriginals is aimed at maintaining optimal energy supply processes of growth and development, is being developed even in the youthful period of ontogenesis. Maintaining a low level of glucose Aborigines and migrants, a significant decrease of glucose is the result of adaptive changes at the level of regulation of mineral metabolism. Programs are implemented through the Aboriginal adaptation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-reproductive system, and migrants - through the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system on the principle of ergonomics.