Modeling Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Icebergs in the Barents Sea from 1987 to 2005
Intissar Keghouche1, Francois Counillon2, Laurent Bertino3
1Mohn Sverdrup Center, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Thormøhlensgt 47, Bergen, N-5006, Norway, intissar [dot] keghouche [at] nersc [dot] no
2Mohn Sverdrup Center, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Thormøhlensgt 47, Bergen, N-5006, Norway, francois [dot] counillon [at] nersc [dot] no
3Mohn Sverdrup Center, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Thormøhlensgt 47, Bergen, N-5006, Norway, laurent [dot] bertino [at] nersc [dot] no
A model study on icebergs drift characteristics in the Barents and the Kara Sea for the period 1987-2005 is presented. Maps of icebergs density, size distribution and potential locations subject to grounding complement sparse existing oceanographic and aerial field campaigns. The model reproduces typical pathways given by the observations and suggests a more complete picture. Icebergs originating from Franz Josef Land have the largest spread over the domain though it is not the main iceberg production site. We observe a strong interannual variability of the iceberg extent with a weak decreasing trend, similarly to the observed sea ice extent. Analysis of the atmospheric forcing reveals that years with anomalous northerly winds enhance iceberg extension. Northerly winds have also a positive delayed impact on the iceberg extent. They limit the inflow of Atlantic Water into the Barents Sea and therefore its heat content the following year, increasing the mean age of iceberg and thus their potential extension. Simulations confirm the seasonal cycle of the southernmost extension previously observed. Finally, the model is able to reproduce the observed extreme iceberg extension in the south east of the Barents Sea in may 2003.