Using the 3dvar Data Assimilation of Sea Ice
Using the 3dvar Data Assimilation of Sea Ice
Poster Paul Pestieau1
1Environment Canada, Canadian Ice Service, LaSalle Academy, Block E, 3rd floor, 373 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1A-0H3, Canada, Phone 613-996-5042, Fax 613-996-4218, paul [dot] pestieau [at] ec [dot] gc [dot] ca
The 3dvar method is used to produce an analysis of sea ice concentration. This was first done for the CAA on a 5 km resolution grid as well as for the Northern Hemisphere on a 15 km resolution grid. The 5 km resolution grid was then expanded to include all of North America with plans to implement early in 2010 at CMC for CIS operational needs. CMC hopes to soon expand to a global domain for NWP needs.